About Sarah
A Little About Me
My name is Sarah Clark, I just finished my first year of college at Utah State University, and absolutely loved it! I'm planning on majoring in Graphic Design, and hope to work with web design. I absolutely love art, I took my first art class in high school, and felt as though I had found a part of myself, I love to express myself on paper. I also absolutely love music! I've been playing the piano since I was six years old, I love tickling the ivories. My other hobbies include singing, baking (especially pastries!) playing tennis, reading, and much more!So, how and why did I decide to serve a mission?
On October 6, 2012 in General Conference, President Monson announced that the age for girls to serve missions was now 19 instead of 21. This was huge! I was going to turn 19 in two months! I felt overwhelming emotions of peace, excitement and joy as he made the announcement. I felt as though a fire had been kindled in my heart. I thought of what an incredible opportunity this would be! To be honest, I hadn't thought a mission would be a part of my life, I figured when I was 21, I would probably have already been accepted into the Graphic Design program, and would almost be finishing up with school. As well, I thought at that point I would probably be dating someone quite seriously. So, I didn't really think of a mission as an option. Yet after the announcement, I kept contemplating the decision of going on a mission over and over. I thought about how much the gospel had blessed my life, and felt a strong desire to share it with others. I thought of how small a year and a half would be compared to eternity, and how serving a mission would bless my future family, and help me become a better mother one day.To find out if a mission was right for me, I decided to pray each night, and fasted several times, and I decided to take the steps in the direction of going and see where it would take me. In January I enrolled for a mission preparation class to see if a mission was the right fit for my life. I figured if a mission wasn't right, Heavenly Father would put something else in my path. I took the class and it truly strengthened my testimony, and helped me feel that I was making the right decision. I got so lucky this year to live with 4 other girls who were also deciding to serve missions, they really helped strengthen my testimony and encouraged me. I prayed and fasted about my decision for about 6 months, in March I started filling out mission papers. I felt the adversary against me after I had made this decision. Many appointments I scheduled with the bishop fell through as I was preparing, and I began to feel overwhelming feelings of inadequacy... I knew there were many people who were much better qualified and more scripturally versed than I am. Yet, what kept me going was knowing that even if I could give someone a Book of Mormon, or let them know they were a son or daughter of God, that this would be worth it! I finished my papers on March 20, 2013, and received my call on April 17th, 2013 to serve in the Spokane, Washington mission. I felt overwhelming joy when I received my call, and have been excited ever since! I know that through prayer, fasting, and scripture study, you will find answers to your questions.
I am so excited to have this incredible opportunity to serve a mission! Throughout my life, the gospel has brought me so much peace and comfort. I'm so grateful to have the knowledge that I have a Heavenly Father who knows me, loves me, and has a plan for my life. I'm so grateful to have the knowledge that I can converse with him whenever I want. Knowing that has blessed my life so much. The gospel is so dear to my heart, it's truly shaped me into who I am today. I know that Christ atoned for our sins, and that because of that we can make it back to our Heavenly Father one day. I am so excited to share these incredible truths with the people of Washington.
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