Thanks for all of the emails, It looks like you guys had such a fun week! Josh, I'm proud of you for working hard! Way to go with the good grades! Rachel, I'm so sad I won't be able to make it to your graduation... I'm sure proud of you, and love you! Dad, I'm so excited for you with this new job, I've been praying for you every day! What an incredible opportunity to work at the MTC! Heavenly Father really has been preparing you all along! I have to say I just love the picture of you guys with Hannah and Aunt Nan, where Andrew's holding on to all his little friends haha.
That made my whole day! :) He's so cute! How fun that Aunt Nanette and Hannah stopped by. The other day Sister Reed and I were talking about our families traditions for Memorial Day, and It was neat we started talking about Natalie Allred, and I felt the spirit touch my heart that I know her, and that she could be helping me with this work. It's amazing to think about all the angels around us, Grandma Jensen, Grandpa Adair, I know I'm not in this work alone. It's amazing how interconnected this life is with the next. I turned the other day to
Doctrine and Covenants 84: 88 And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up. I know that promise is true, I've definitely felt that every day.
This week has been hard, but good. A good majority of the students have left home for the summer, so there's a sparse amount of people who have stayed for the summer. As well, we received a call from our Zone Leaders on Tuesday, and they have decided to condense the married student wards, so the other Sisters are now serving in our married student ward. We now only serve in the Singles ward. We are sure going to miss serving in that ward, but now we will be able to focus in all of our time and attention to the 1st ward. Which will be nice. It's been a harder week, there were two days this week, when we only came in contact with 3 people the whole day, those we tried weren't home, yet we kept going. I know that as long as we are diligent and keep going each day, that we are doing Heavenly Father's will. I know that despite those days, God has a plan. The scripture Ether 12:6 continually comes to my mind. - 6 "And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith." We did end up seeing miracles this week.
We again were traveling on the bus to our next appointment, and we talked with a man named David. He just moved here from a country called- Togo. He seemed a little discouraged, I was able to bear my testimony that I knew because the Savior died for him that that's were his value lay. We taught him about the restoration, and he excitedly took the Book of Mormon. We will hopefully meet with him again this week! :) An experience that also made everything worth it, was meeting with Meghan. We've been struggling to know what to do, she has a learning disability, and she behind developmentally, but as we prayed whether or not to keep teaching her, Heavenly Father impressed upon us that she needs us right now. We had a lesson yesterday, and taught her about obedience, and the blessings that come. We asked her what blessings she'd seen from keeping the commandments we'd taught her thus far. She explained that she'd been looking for a church for quite some time, and that ever since she's been coming to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, She felt at home, she feels peace and felt like a hole in her heart had been filled. She explained that as she's read the scriptures and prayed she feels close to God, and feels that even though she's having challenges, she's going to be okay. I recognized, that to feel God's love, we continually have to act, as we keep the commandments, that's how we access the atonement and feel his love- which is the spirit.
Rachel asked me to share a few stories about moments in my life when I knew this Church is true-
I've had so many different moments, where my testimony has grown. I think one of my first was when I was in highschool, I really struggled to know where my value came from. Sometimes I placed my value in how I looked, who my friends were and how they felt about me, my grades, etc... I felt sad that I hadn't developed some of my talents as far as I could have, Then I realized that the only place I could truly place my value and stay happy, was when I valued myself, because I was Heavenly Father's daughter, because Jesus Christ died for me because he saw my worth- that I was worth it! I had eternal potential. I felt so much peace, any time, any of those other factors I used to put my worth into when they'd fail, I still recognized that my value didn't change. I knew who I was as Heavenly Father's daughter. I was loved no matter what. I remember a speaker came and spoke in Young Women's- Laurel Christensen, and she said, as long as you know who you are, as a daughter of God, who Jesus Christ is- your Savior, and who God is- Your loving Heavenly Father, it changes everything! That is where the foundation of my testimony lays.
Another experience, after the Manti Pageant I was probably 15 or 16. - I remember being really shaken up after speaking to this man who was anti against the church. He said, "How do you know your church is the true church, you were born into it, so how do you know another church isn't right for you?" I remember feeling sick inside after talking to him... That night, I felt discouraged, I turned to the Book of Mormon, and just felt overwhelming peace as I read it. I started to question why I believed what I did. I thought of all the blessings of the restored gospel, the temple and that I can be with those I love for eternity. I thought about how we have a prophet today, I thought about the priesthood blessings I've received and how I knew those words were straight from my Heavenly Father. As I read the Book of Mormon, I felt overwhelming peace, and knew it was from God. I knew that it wasn't just made it. I knew it was from God! The gospel has brought an incredible amount of good into my life. As I've been out on a mission, I've come to see how much the Bible and Book of Mormon support each other. It brings me peace about my divine identity, and God's plan for me. The fact that the gospel has helped me recognize my purpose- I'm here to prepare to meet my Heavenly Father, and to become like my Savior. I love Elder Holland's testimony- Testimony of The Book of Mormon
There have been many experiences where I've known this gospel is true, but there are a few. :)
I would love to hear about those moments when you knew this gospel was true, you guys should email them! :) I would love that!
I love each one of you with all my heart! Thanks for all your prayers in my behalf, I feel them every day! I know with all my heart this Gospel is True! :)
Much Love, Sister Sarah Clark