Saturday, June 29, 2013

My Mission Call

Working on Mission Papers

I worked on my mission papers for quite some time. After physical, optical, and dental exams, lots of paper work, and several interviews, I finished my mission papers! I officially finished on March, 20th, 2013. I had my interview with the Bishop on March 26th, and then my final interview with the Stake President followed on April 2nd. During the time while I was filling out papers, I could feel the adversary against me. Several of my appointments fell through, and I felt feelings of inadequacy. I felt that there were so many people much better qualified, and that there were so many missionaries going out that maybe I wasn't needed. Yet, I kept pushing forward. It was so touching, during my meeting with my Stake President, I felt such overwhelming peace. I have never felt better about a decision, and more at peace in my life. I knew that I was making the right decision, and couldn't wait to receive  my call.

One of the Most Exciting Days of My Life

On April 17th, at about 10a.m. I was sitting in my Statistic's recitation, and my phone rang. I quickly silenced it, I was embarrassed that I'd forgotten to turn it off. It was my Mom of course, she called at three more times! I excused myself into the hallway, thinking there must be some emergency. I called her back, and I giggled when I found out her reason for calling was that my mission call had arrived in the mail. We both were so excited! I couldn't think of anything else the whole day!

The Day I got My Call, I Also Got to Hear One of My Hero's

Not only was today the day that I was going to get to open my mission call, Elizabeth Smart was coming to speak at Utah State! Elizabeth Smart is one of my hero's, after she was abducted as a teenager at age 14, she was abused by kidnapper Brian Mitchell. After spending 9 months in a living nightmare, she was found by the police. Although she had every right to spend the rest of her life in despair, she decided to be the bigger person, and keep living her life. What amazed me about Elizabeth was the beautiful glow she had about her! She was truly happy, although she'd been through such terrible times, she didn't let them affect her. She went out and served a mission in Paris, France. Then a few years later she married the love  of her life Matthew Gilmour, and they got married in the Laie, Hawaii temple. She is such an incredible example of resilience! It was such an incredible day, to get to hear one of my hero's speak on the same day I received my mission call. It was truly a day I will remember forever!

Opening My Mission Call

My family, along with my Grandparents came up to Logan that night to join in on the experience with me. It was so fun to have my room-mates there, along with relatives on the phone. I felt so much love and support. I held the envelope with the destiny of my life for the next year and a half. My parents thought I'd go to Peru where my Dad served his mission, my Grandparent's thought I'd go to Europe where they had served. I couldn't wait to see where I'd go! I opened the call and read the first line, " Dear Sister Clark: You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Washington Spokane Mission." I was so surprised! I never would have guessed Washington. I think my family was a little surprised as well. I think we all thought I'd serve out of the country. Yet, I felt peace that it was where I was supposed to go. I felt the distinct impression, that there were people there who needed me. I knew it was right. It's not about the location of where you serve, it's about the people you will be serving. Although, I do think Washington looks beautiful! I truly believe that mission calls are inspired by God, and that he knows us personally and knows where our talents and abilities can best be emulated.